Stock and Bond Portfolio Management
Ours is a world of complex financial issues requiring more data, more time, and more focus than most of us have in order to manage assets prudently. Global capital markets are changing rapidly, and while investment decisions are not always made daily, they must often be made quickly.
For clients who qualify for the Private Investment Management program, Packnick Financial has discretionary authority over asset allocation, selection of securities, timing of transactions, and rebalancing decisions.
Portfolios are constructed and managed in adherence to the personal guidelines and risk tolerances of each individual client, and periodically reviewed against appropriate benchmarks. Equally as important, the program can be easily modified as a client’s objectives change over time.
*The return and principal value of bonds fluctuate with changes in market conditions. If bonds are not held to maturity, they may be worth more or less than their original value. The return and principal value of stocks fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Shares when sold may be worth more or less than their original cost.